Monday, 12 January 2015

Gone Walkabout...

Don't you just hate it when your creative mojo goes AWOL. Ok, so I am being hard on mine as I have a bug over the weekend so been feeling very green. But when creating keeps you sane and relaxed, then you need a way to try to create. Of course, you can't always expect your creative mojo to play ball can you? Perhaps that is the key to know when to walk away. I decided to go back to a recent art journal cover I created as I liked the way it turn out. I did make (just noticed I wrote make not create, not a good sign) journal page but choose colours I don't normally use...I think that was a big mistake! I should have gone with colours I love and then perhaps my inner critic would have stayed hidden...grrrr! Thanks to all those that read my keeping the faith post last week and a special thank you to massofhair comment that included what made her smile!

Your question for this week do you kick start your mojo?

P.S: this will also explain my non existent arty posts this week!


  1. LOL - the cartoon made me laugh Clare. It is SO frustrating when that happens. So sorry to hear you've been feeling ill. Hope you're on the mend soon. Lx

  2. Great cartoon Clare, it is something that we all go through and i hope your returns soon. Thank you for the mention and link, that is most kind of you.

    In answer to this weeks question, i kick start my mojo by watching films that make me laugh or take me to somewhere not on this mortal coil as i love the colours and effects in cartoons and fantasy films. The other thing that helps is a clear out as you come across items you haven't seen in ages and your brain starts wondering what it... I do hope your question will get many answers and some of them help.

    Mo :-) xxx

  3. great cartoon... hmmm I look on pinterest, other people's blogs... x

  4. LOL!

    My muse seems always stay with me... but if I struggle and nothing appeals to me .. I just play with watercolors or take crayons and play... and the most of the time at the end of my playtime a nice project is going to come to life... and if not... no problem...
    Dina Wakley thaught in an e course that we have to warm up before a sportsman
    and I think if I just play with colors and mediums this is my sort of warming up.
    If I have a long phase of not knowing what to do.. I watch a you tube process video and usually that adds pep to me....

  5. Sometimes too much of a good thing (too much crafting or too much pressure) can be fatal ti my mojo. A break of a week or two and you will be looking at a picture in a mag/ on TV, looking out the window, noticing the pattern on someone's jumper... And itching to create.
    Hope that bug has got the heave ho... Take care at work this week x

  6. Cute cartoon, I know the feeling!

    For me, I just do it and dive in. Once I get going, the mojo comes back. Another thing I do is make a list of all of the super cool art projects I want to do and that usually gets the inspiration and mojo moving.

  7. I created a piece for someone who had lost their mojo once, only to find They were phobic of the subject matter! so maybe won't offer advice this time round.It'll come back when you are not trying.
